
Project Partner Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)

Project Location Mahalaxmi Municipality and Bharatpur Metropolitan City

Project Duration Jun 29, 2020 to Sep 30, 2020


With the support of the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), the Characterization of faecal sludge and Assessment of Municipal solid waste management was done for generating the data on the municipal level for the development of investment projects concerning sanitation in the municipality. The survey was conducted in Bharatpur Metropolitan City and Mahalaxmi municipality respectively.


  • Characterization of the solid waste generated in Mahalaxmi municipality.
  • Assessment of existing solid waste management practices in Mahalaxmi municipality.
  • Characterization of faecal sludge generated in the Bharatpur Metropolitan City.

Project Accomplishments

Faecal sludge assessment
To share the project’s goal and strategy, a stakeholder consultation meeting was held in Bharatpur Metropolitan City. Representatives from the BMC were interviewed as key informants to learn more about the city's faecal sludge management activities. Also, key informant interviews were performed with private companies offering desludging facilities inside the BMC using standardized questionnaires. Faecal sludge sampling was done in collaboration with stakeholders to produce scientifically representative data for different clusters such as residential household, commercial areas, educational institutes, hotels, hospitals and public restrooms. Faecal sludge characterization data was generated for Bharatpur Metropolitan City based on the analysis of the samples. All the project deliverables were successfully provided to the concerned organization.

Solid waste assessment
A consultation meeting with Stakeholders of Mahalaxmi Municipality was held to share the project’s goals and methodology and to solicit feedback. All four private waste collectors (PWCs) working in the Mahalaxmi municipality's solid waste collection underwent KII. Interviews were conducted with all four participants, who represented four different businesses. Random solid waste sampling was done for surveyed households whereas, for established clusters like commercial markets, hotels, restaurants and party venues only survey was conducted. Also, to gain information regarding the municipality's solid waste management activities, a KII was conducted with one municipality representative. Data analysis on solid waste assessment for Mahalaxmi Municipality was done based on all the collected information. All the project deliverables were successfully provided to the concerned organization.