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pH and Temperature kit

pH and Temperature kit

What is pH?

pH is the indicator of acidic and alkaline nature of water. Low pH (acidic) leads to corrosion related problems while pH greater than 8 causes development of sour taste in water and efficiency of chlorination is also reduced.

What is Temperature?

Temperature does not have any guideline values, but it should be at acceptable level. At high temperature growth of microbes is enhanced which may alter taste, odor, color and corrosion problem.


  • Number of tests per kit: 100
  • Testing time: 2 minutes
  • Detection limit: 5-9.5 (pH)
  • Test type: Colorimetric method
  • Weight of kit:  0.2 kg
  • Cost per test: NPR 20 (approx.)

NRs. 1921 including 13% VAT

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